
Support Kids Conquering Cancer

Join the eCLOSE community!

Help kids from every culture and background to contribute research questions , ideas, and experiments to help us develop diets to improve cancer therapy.

eCLOSE is a not-for-profit corporation (501(c)3).

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How Your Donation Is Used

Supporting student participation builds their confidence and supports their continuation in research and STEM.

Our classroom program provides unprecedented opportunities to recruit diverse students into research and promote equality in science.

Teachers are the heart of eCLOSE research. Our Teacher Professional Development is expanding participation in research exponentially.

The annual eCLOSE Symposium brings together scientists, teachers, students, and the public to drive research forward and integrate participants into the scientific community.

Professional scientists utilize citizen science data contributed by students for publications that advance cancer research.

In Kind Donations

eCLOSE is rapidly expanding. We welcome donations of office supplies, laboratory equipment and supplies for use in classrooms and Footlocker programs.